Creative Bullet Journal Page Ideas To Keep You Inspired

Bring your Bujo game to the next level with these spreads.

By Lifestyle Guide

October 13 2020

When it comes to bullet journaling, your imagination is the limit to what you can do. Sometimes however we are bogged down by self-imposed rules about what we think a bullet journal should be or should have, but the truth is that there are no rules and constraints when it comes to bullet journaling. There are so many ways you can use a bullet journal in all aspects of our life - think of it like transferring the multitude of your thoughts from mind to paper. It's up to you to decide on what and how you want to bring these thoughts to life. The best part about bullet journaling is that it is endlessly customisable and be as complex or as simple as you want it to be.

As Ryder Caroll, the inventor of the bullet journal, puts it, "Bullet Journaling is always about function over form. It doesn't matter what your bullet journal looks like. It's about how it makes you feel, and how effective it is in moving you towards the things that matter to you."

Whether you've just started on your bullet journaling journey or are an experienced bujo-er, it certainly doesn't hurt to seek more inspiration. Beyond the standard bullet journal pages such as a day-to-day planner and habit tracker, here are some creative bullet journal page ideas that can help you transform your bullet journal into a kickass one.

1. Empty your mind with this brain dump bullet journal page

It's easy to get overwhelmed with all the things that are going on in our modern lives. Take a breather and empty your mind by taking a brain dump in your bullet journal - not only will you feel much better after that, but regularly doing this would help you stay organised and focused on the important things in your life.

Credit: Square Lime Designs

2. Satisfy your wanderlust with this travel wishlist bullet journal page

If you've been stuck at home the past several months because of Covid, chances are you'll be itching for a trip to your dream country. You can use this travel wishlist bullet journal page to temporarily satisfy your wanderlust and fill it up with your travel bucket list of countries you want to visit once travel restrictions are lifted.

Credit: Paige Flemingo

3. Use Bujo for meal planning to stay healthy

Organise your life and remove any uncertainty over what's for lunch or dinner by planning your meals in advance using bujo. Not only would you have one less thing to worry about, tracking and planning your meals would also help you to stay healthy by avoiding that last-minute fast food quick fix.

Credit: Square Lime Designs

4. Track your daily mood and emotions for a better emotional balance

There's always ups and downs in our lives, but wouldn't it be great to look back one day and see how far you've come? Having a mood tracker in your bullet journal helps you to practice gratitude as you would not only appreciate the good and amazing days but also the rough patches in between that enables you to become a stronger person. 

Credit: Heather Reed

5. Keep fit and stay fit with a workout fitness tracker

Using a fitness tracker in your bullet journal will help you stay committed to your workout routines. Not only that, you'll be increasingly motivated to stick to the habit as filling up each box with colour just gives you that extra satisfaction of a job well done.

Credit: Reddit

6. Remember and record your dreams with a dream log 

Dreams are windows to the soul and often reveal to us our subconscious thoughts and patterns of thinking that we may not be aware of. Immediately writing down notes about your dream in your bullet journal after waking up helps you to preserve your memories and identify patterns in your subconscious thoughts and feelings.

Credit: The Botanical Bullet